Unless this is your first time to this blog (and if so, hi; take a look around and ignore the sarcasm long enough to realize I am actually a nice person), you know that I use a lot of pixels to chat about immunotherapy. What you may not know (I honestly didn’t), is that apparently there’s a classification for melanomas… Read more »
The biodiversity of this planet is in peril; in fact some biologists state we’re in the midst of an extinction event. The fact of the matter is the number of species on this planet is decreasing so rapidly that soon, all that will be left are humans, our livestock, mosquitoes, cockroaches, a billion strains of viruses, and ornamental lawn grasses…. Read more »
The immune system is an incredible evolutionary machine, designed to protect us from the ravages of bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microbes. But admittedly, there are some times when the immune system doesn’t work the way it is supposed to, giving rise to auto-immune disorders. And now scientists have demonstrated how a hijack of the immune system from melanoma cells… Read more »
As I have mentioned a few times in this blog, melanoma has a disconcerting tendency to spread to the lungs, liver, and brain when it enters into the metastasizing stages. And brain tumors like that are pretty darn hard to treat. Most of the current treatments don’t really provide much benefit to patients. And once melanoma metastasizes, only about half… Read more »
Because of my diagnosis of melanoma late last year, I find myself reading information about the disease. Sometimes, I stumble across information I had no idea even existed. Today, I came across an article that highlighted the efforts of researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Since I live in Texas, I’m always interested in what the… Read more »