Infected wound care – homemade antibiotic

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When I went to my last follow-up, the doctor told me that while the infection was getting better, I needed to switch my antibiotic and do a rinse on the wound. Not Neosporin, not anything prepackaged…a rinse of distilled water and white vinegar. The only vinegar we seemed to have on hand was balsamic and I’m pretty sure she didn’t want me to make a vinaigrette out of my wound…Dutifully, I made my husband go to the grocery store to pick up those items so I could try to get the infection cleared up as fast as possible.

For those wanting to try this at home, the recipe is basically a cup of distilled water and a tablespoon of white vinegar. My husband mixed it up in a measuring cup and brought it to me while I was in the shower. I took a deep breath and began to pour it over my wound…

Let me say right now, when I first poured it over the section where the skin had already healed together, it was just cold. However, as soon as it got into the area where it’s still weeping blood and open, it stung like a nest of angry hornets. Holy crap! It better do something to kill the infection because I’m fairly certain that it killed off some of the skin cells trying to grow over the wound too – this morning there is a bunch of dead-looking skin all over the wound area… Hopefully this thing starts to close up soon so I can start walking normally again and maybe even work out a little. The holidays destroyed my waistline… and it sure would be nice to get back into the routine of walking to the office – although I may need to stop for breaks every block now! Just walking down the hallway is winding me…

2 thoughts on “Infected wound care – homemade antibiotic

  1. Pingback: Nearly four weeks from the excision update | Pink Melanoma

  2. Pingback: Four Weeks After a Melanoma Excision | Pink Melanoma

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