#LoveMe Challenge – guaranteed smiles

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Today’s #LoveMe Challenge is share a smile. This always makes me smile:

Calvin and Hobbes

I’m a sucker for Calvin and Hobbes. Bill Watterson is a genius as far as I’m concerned. His portrayal of Calvin as the imaginative 6 year-old and Hobbes as the rational voice of reason and co-conspirator in hijinks really was transformative in both the comic section and my life. Finally, there was a comic about an only child who had a stuffed animal for a best friend. It was like he knew I needed to see some type of representation of me when I was a kid. I waited impatiently for my dad to finish the newspaper so I could get my hands on the comic pages. (Funny, do kids today even know what the “funny pages” are?)

Calvin and Hobbes collections still are some of the best Christmas or birthday presents I ever got. Even though there were some heavy philosophical ideas discussed in the comic, it was never heavy-handed. It made you laugh while you were thinking deep thoughts. And who wouldn’t love a big tiger hug right now?

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