Sharing a quote is today’s #LoveMe Challenge. I am going to pick a quote from one of my favorite comediennes because as we head into the weekend, we could also use a laugh that makes us think…or a think that makes us laugh…
It’s a funny line, but also a great message behind it. For years when I was young, I thought I was going to be an actress or a pop star. Then, when I was about 15, I realized that my dreams of superstardom weren’t going to happen without a lot of work and a whole lot more luck on my side. Going off to college, I thought I was going to be somebody important in the world, doing great things for humanity. And then the real world came along…
For many years, I guess I was on auto-pilot, working and trying to be a good human being. But I always felt that I missed out on something bigger than what I turned out to be. But a funny thing happened a few years ago: I knew I wasn’t going to be SOMEBODY in the self-important sense; but I was somebody – a good person, with a slightly off-kilter sense of humor, and a really hard worker. But when I was younger, I didn’t think those qualities made me SOMEBODY, it just made me me.
Now when I think about who I wanted to be when I was younger, I wish I would have appreciated those characteristics in myself. It probably would have saved me a lot of angst over not becoming a person with a household name or ridiculously outsized bank account (although don’t get me wrong, I would still love a large bank balance). When I thought about being somebody, maybe I could have dreamt about being who I really was shaping up to become…