#LoveMe Challenge – wait, aren’t I always right?

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For today’s #LoveMe Challenge, I am going to share something I did right. Now, I am usually under the delusion that I’m always right; but I know that at times I can make the wrong decision (like that last shot of tequila), say the wrong thing (really, your baby doesn’t look like a squished alien), or do something at the wrong time (but seriously, if you get the giggles at a funeral, it’s really hard to stop).

I could cop out at say that going to the dermatologist when I did was something I did right. But really, that’s been covered here and I guess I shouldn’t take the easy way out on this one.

So let’s look at a totally different subject altogether. I have to say, despite all the challenges I’ve faced in the last year, moving to Austin was something that I absolutely did right. I was not happy in San Antonio. I had a couple of good friends, but I never felt at home there. It’s very family-oriented and lots of people have lived there their whole lives. It’s really hard to break into social groups there when people have known each other since birth. It felt like some people didn’t have room in their lives to add another person; and for someone who can make acquaintances but not friends easily, this was a difficult situation. Plus, everyone asked me how many kids I had as soon as they met me; and when I said I had none, it was like I was suddenly infected with Ebola how fast they moved away from me.

Professionally, it wasn’t much better. There is definitely a prejudice against women who speak their minds too much (and I definitely fall into that category). It seemed like many companies expected women to be in the administrative role and for someone with an MBA, I wanted a seat at the managerial table.

When I got a job offer up in Austin, I was more than ready to make the move away from where I was. Even though I was taking a leap of faith, I felt like it was the right decision for me. And it turned out to be a place where I belonged. I immediately got to know people just like me – professional by day, but social at night. A place where going to hear live music wasn’t reserved for special concerts; a place where after work happy hours are normal instead of rushing straight home because of the kids; a place where people traveled internationally to exciting places like Thailand, Europe, and Australia on a regular basis.

My new apartment was brand new, admittedly in a transitional neighborhood, but I never felt as home anywhere in Texas as I did when I walked in the front door every day. (My condo gives me the same thrill too.) I loved going home, something I didn’t feel for any of my San Antonio apartments. Even the cat seems happier in Austin.

And that happiness has made all the difference. I think had I not been so content being here, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with everything happening to me the last few months as well as I have. If I was in San Antonio, I would have been a basket case. I know that I would have wanted to get out of town; but here in Austin, I want to get out on the town. I may not have a “best friend” here yet, but I have good friends that seem to care about me.

There’s that old adage, location, location, location. I totally believe that sometimes, being somewhere you feel comfortable can make all the difference in the world. It’s made a huge difference in my world.

1 thought on “#LoveMe Challenge – wait, aren’t I always right?

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