Sneezing hurts my scar and other observations from having a cold

First of all, that was a crazy Super Bowl. I have to say, I didn’t have a horse in the race but it was still one of the more entertaining Super Bowls in recent memory…

On to other things…I seem to have developed a cold – a super mucous producing, sneeze generating cold. My head feels like it’s been filled with concrete. My throat feels like it’s been rubbed raw with sandpaper. I’m exhausted and all I want to do is sleep; but I can’t actually breathe well enough to fall asleep. In short, I feel pretty lousy. And one weird symptom is that my scar feels like it’s also being attacked by the virus.

It’s strange. My scarred leg is more tired than my other leg, meaning that it just feels weaker – which it might be, although I’ve been doing squats to try to strengthen both legs. But walking to work today in the freezing cold, I could tell that my right leg was dragging just a bit. Now that I’m sitting at my desk, my scar is throbbing and alternating between feeling like it’s on fire and freezing cold.

And every time I sneeze, it feels like I’m going to bust open the scar tissue with each sneeze. I don’t have the gentle little ke-chu sneezes. I’ve got the ones that can double as an ab workout. And I’m going through bouts of multiple sneezing fits this morning. All of which means that not only is my head killing me but my leg is joining the act. They don’t ever mention these types of side effects when they talk about the excision.

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