How did I get so out of shape? I’m blaming the darn cancer…

Yesterday, I woke up in one of those moods where I didn’t really want to go downstairs to the gym (mostly because my hair was an utter wreck that not even a ponytail could fix). I decided that I would pop in a work-out DVD and do something in the comfort of my living room. Sadly, my kickboxing DVD has gone AWOL somewhere and with the clock ticking before I had to get ready for work, I quickly grabbed another one.

Let me explain that I had previously worked out with this video before. This is not a new video to me. That being said, I did remember that the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred was a bit more intense than the kickboxing one, but hey, I have been working out pretty consistently for the last three months, right?

Oh my goodness, I am so out of shape! There were sections of the 20 minute beginner workout that I had to modify because I physically could not do all the reps. What the heck? I’ve been walking at a pretty decent clip pretty much everyday, I’ve been doing little routines with my 5-pound hand weights, I’ve been doing lots of freaking squats for two months now. And yet, putting them all together in a 20 minute work out has somehow kicked my ass so bad that I’m sore as hell a day later.

I feel like I got hit by a truck. All of my legs and arms are sore (not just my scar). My abs are so sore, I feel like I broke a rib somewhere. I would laugh about the absurdity of it all but laughing kinda hurts right now. I’m incredulous that I’m this out of shape when I thought I was making some decent strides to get back to a somewhat healthy condition. I’ve decided that I’m blaming cancer for this. Even if I don’t have any other excuse except that I was immobile for a couple of weeks and then gingerly stepping back into the whole working out thing – it really is because of the cancer that I had a hiatus, right? But honestly, I know I need to keep building my strength back up – it just won’t be today. Can someone pass the Advil?

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