Stormy weather makes my head hurt, but at least my scar is quiet!

It is Spring time and Mother Nature didn’t get the memo that April, not May, was supposed to bring the showers.

We had a glorious weekend while our out-of-town guests were here, blue skies, low humidity, and highs in the 80s. But on Monday, as soon as they were about to fly out, the skies started clouding up. It’s been overcast and intermittently raining here – which could be a whole lot worse based on what I’ve seen of the damage coming out of Oklahoma.

But this persistent “is it going to storm or not” weather plays havoc with my head. I’ve been suffering from headaches where it feels like a giant vise is squeezing right between my ears. When there’s a big drop in pressure, I get dizzy and stagger around like I’ve had one too many cocktails. Combine the two and I feel like I’m living with an undeserved hangover.

The upside? My scar really hasn’t been giving me too many problems. For saying we walked all over downtown and I even ventured on wearing my wedges a few times, my leg is in surprisingly good shape. I’m feeling like there’s progress being made.

I did talk about my cancer diagnosis a little with Nancy over the weekend. She’s a nurse with a master’s degree in nursing education; but admitted that she knows only a little about melanoma. She had never even heard of nodular melanoma, let alone amelanotic melanoma. And she was very good at shaming my husband into sitting inside for a little while when we were making the rounds of watering holes this weekend. The sun down here is getting noticeably more intense with each passing day. Even my SPF30 wasn’t enough after an hour to prevent my arms from getting reddish. I’m going to have to start carrying a bigger purse so I can reapply while I’m out and about…

But the scar is doing fairly well, although still redder than I would like. I’m tossing on shorts without really thinking too much about it showing. No one has pointed at me like I’m the elephant man out in public. Progress, right?

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