My blog received a follow from a fellow blogger, Mississippi Meow who writes the Chronicles of Nowhereland. Of course, I check out everyone else’s blogs because – let’s face it, I’m curious about other people, and particularly those who find their way to my little spot in the interwebs. What motivates them to learn more about pink melanoma? Like I said in an earlier post, I hope it’s because they’ve heard about how hilariously self-important I get about watching your skin, putting on sunscreen, and occasionally saying something funny. But more often than not, it’s because skin cancer has somehow touched their lives.
Naturally, I browsed and Ms. Mississippi had a bout with squamous cell skin cancer she recently wrote about. I urge y’all to check our her story Vitamin D or Vitamin Dead. Skin cancer doesn’t have to be melanoma. Squamous cell skin cancer is the second most common form of skin cancer. And they are most commonly found in areas that are exposed to the sun, including the face. Ms. Mississippi was very fortunate that it was caught, but not before having to undergo what sounds like a painful procedure to make sure it was all gone from the spot. Without providing any spoilers, she even posts the precautionary photos (and I know from my stats that you guys love seeing the scar photos). Summer is coming, despite how cold it is currently in the Northeast region, and maybe her lesson will help reinforce that message that you’re trying to send to others – protect your skin.