Another Bullet Hole

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Well, I had my every-6-months appointment with the dermatologist today. As you can guess from the title of this post, I had another piece of my skin cut off for biopsy.

You see, I’ve had this…thing…on my back. It popped up a little less than a month ago and I first noticed it while struggling to put lotion on my back. Naturally, the first time I noticed it, I was like – hey, can you look at this thing on my back, to my husband. He looked at it, but you know that he’s not a board-certified dermatologist. So, for the past couple weeks, I’ve been reaching behind myself trying to get a sense of whether it was growing rapidly or not.

Maybe it’s a weird psoriasis thing? Right? Maybe it’s an infected pimple because my bra strap is right over it and you know, it’s 100 degrees here and I’m sweating a lot more? Maybe it’s nothing… but I made sure to mention to the nurse as soon as she asked me if I had any concerns.

The doctor came in and she was like, what’s this thing on your back? I told her, and the next thing I know, she’s all touching it and asking more questions. Yes, this one itches – but not all the time. Yeah, I get some pain when something rubs on it, but other than that – no pain. Yes, I first noticed it about 3 weeks ago and it maybe has gotten a little bigger.

At first, she said it was probably some long name that basically meant it was benign. But then she paused, I’m sure thinking that I was her problem child before. And then she bent back over to examine it, measure it, and then tell the nurse to get ready to take it off. So, I got to flip onto my stomach, get shot up with the numbing agent, and then try to lie still while she sliced off more of my skin.

Now, the fun begins…that long waiting game to hear back from the doctor’s office on the results of the biopsy. Wish me luck that I don’t drive myself crazy in the next week…

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