Oh Allergy Season!

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Our weather here in Austin has suddenly turned fall-like, with temperatures in the low 80s during the day and in the 60s at night. This weekend, we’re supposed to get temperatures that normally happen in the winter, with highs only in the 60s! Time to bust out my sweaters and of course, I would need to wash all of them first since they’ve pretty much sat collecting dust for the last 6 months.

And dust is the last thing I need. I’ve gotten some severe allergic reactions going on since I came back from a work trip to California last week. I am about to rub my eyes raw, which is not good because I love to read (just finished Anna Kendrick’s book, Scrappy Little Nobody – highly recommend. If I were famous, could sing and act, and write coherently, that would be the kind of book I would like to write. She is exactly the type of person I would like to be friends with, except I’m an introvert who can’t really make friends and there’s no way I could ever be friends with someone who’s consistently funnier than me, what would I bring to the relationship then?).

What the hell was I talking about? Oh, allergies… Anyway, the other bad thing about this latest installment of runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing is that I’m developing what is likely just a skin reaction. Except with my amelanotic melanoma history, every freaking little weird skin spot makes me obsess. And these spots only seem to be on my legs, which as readers of the blog know, have already demonstrated an enthusiasm for growing bad bits of skin.

I literally cannot take more Benadryl without exceeding the recommended daily dosage and yet these weird reddish pink spots continue to taunt me. I’m 95% positive it’s just another in the ongoing quest for my skin to experiment with ways to jack with my head. But the other 5% is playing along with this game. Would it be weird to circle these things with a Sharpie to see if they’re growing? Is it weird that I just typed that question?

Anyway, one of my best friends and her husband are coming to stay with us this weekend. And I suppose I can’t go out looking like I’ve got the strangest case of chicken pox (which I do not currently have; for one, these spots don’t itch, and for two, I’ve already had chicken pox). Wish me luck that whatever the hell is causing me to break out in pink spots goes away soon…

1 thought on “Oh Allergy Season!

  1. Pingback: Yes, I am Paranoid, Right? | Pink Melanoma

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