If It’s Not One Thing…

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I finally heard back from my dermatologist’s office. Apparently the thing on my leg is… well, they’re not sure. But they’re pretty sure that it’s not melanoma. I guess that’s a good thing to hear. I would prefer some more definitive answer on what it is, but I guess knowing it’s not melanoma or any other form of skin cancer is better than the alternative. So, she’s going to check it again when I have my follow up next month to see what it looks like then.

On the heels of that, I found out my dad was in the hospital. My father has the market cornered on weird health issues. He’s in the hospital at least once a quarter from my reckoning. But this one was a strange one and wasn’t like a typical problem we’re grown accustomed to him having. So right after I heard that I was in the clear (sort of), I was given the news he wasn’t. I ended up booking an airplane ticket to go up and see my parents. I leave tomorrow morning to go to Ohio and spend a long weekend up there…in the winter…in the snow and cold. And of course, he was just released from the hospital so I’m suspecting this was an elaborate plot to get me to go up there for a visit. I told him the next time, he needs to plan this better so I can go up there when it’s not freaking blowing and drifting snow and colder than any temperatures I’ve been in for the last 8 years.

The other thing is that now the road trip to Florida has a new wrinkle. You see, we were supposed to start our road trip on Saturday morning and drive until we got too tired (hopefully somewhere near Pensacola) and then figure out where we wanted to base ourselves for a few days before we headed to our friends’ place in Miami. With me flying up to Ohio now, my husband is going to have to make the drive to Florida himself. While I’m sure that he’s probably glad not to have to listen to me assistant-drive for a thousand miles, I’m not too crazy about him doing that drive alone. I know he’ll probably drive for longer than he should… Anyway, I’m flying down to Orlando to meet him in Florida early next week and then we can continue our trip as scheduled.

So, I have to pack two completely different suitcases for two completely different types of climates, one of which I really don’t have appropriate clothes for. Wish me luck!

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