Mixed Bag to Start the Year

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So, we’re 12 days into the new year… and from the title of this post, you can probably guess that it hasn’t been all gloom and doom but it certainly hasn’t been sunshine and rainbows either… I guess that’s what is called life, right?

The yucky stuff – well, I caught some virus that made me feel like a truck had run me over. Hence why I’ve been quiet on the blog for a bit. For the better part of a week, I’ve been pretty miserable. When the boys at work even notice that you aren’t feeling well, you must really be sickly. I should know better and avoid the office right after the holidays when everyone brings in their assorted grab bag of viruses they pick up when visiting family over the holidays – but I never seem to learn. Bad on me…

And then earlier this week, I came home to see a mixing bowl on the floor. “What’s that for?” I asked as I heard the drop of water hit the bottom. Oh… ok. Water leaking from our ceiling. Great… water leaking from our ceiling that turned into a small torrent raging from our light fixture and AC vent. A river ran through a portion of my living room onto every available towel and into bowls, a random bucket, and finally a large (empty) recycling bin I swiped from our common trash room. Sick as hell, but I couldn’t sleep listening to the sounds of my condo’s floors being ruined and worrying that my just-paid-for couch was going to be next. In the morning, we finally got someone to figure out where the water was coming from, a broken supply pipe to someone’s bathtub two floors above us. I am now the proud owner of 10 holes cut into my ceiling, a soggy floor, and an unusable living room light fixture. I’ve not been able to use my living room for the past 3 days and now there’s a set of extremely loud vacuums trying to dry my ceiling and floor. All of my living room furniture is pushed into areas where the water didn’t reach so fortunately, I don’t think any of that is affected. The water finally got turned off and we’ve been drying out for the past few days. We’re in the stage that I loathe, dealing with insurance who doesn’t seem to understand that my entire life is upended and my cat is seriously pissed… This is the only reason I got married was to have someone else deal with that, lol! (Kidding, if my hubby is actually reading this but I’m pretty sure he has no clue that I even have a blog…)

But despite the incredibly frustrating week I’ve had (and still having – did I tell you how much I hate insurance companies?), I did have one very bright spot. My follow up with the dermatologist resulted in no bullet holes! Quite frankly, I am fairly certain a not-so-small breakdown would have occurred if I did need another biopsy; so fortunately for the universe, I had a visit that just resulted in “see you in 6 months”.

If this is the way the remainder of the year is going to go, I’m going to need to reconsider my resolution to try to cut back on the vodka…

2 thoughts on “Mixed Bag to Start the Year

  1. Pingback: Hoping to End This Month on a Good Note | Pink Melanoma

  2. Pingback: Random Babbling | Pink Melanoma

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