What’s Up with My Immune System

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I’m back in Austin – for a few days at least. I got in late last night and am not looking forward to the mounds of laundry I need to do before Monday night. Hawaii was beautiful. My cousin and her family were lots of fun to be around and the entire week was pretty laid back. Despite my fears of being around children for that long, her two kids were usually fun. When they started whining, I just walked away. That’s the joy of not having to be the adult in charge…

Then, we spent the weekend in San Diego doing a bunch of nothing before heading to Las Vegas. I had a work conference there and spent Sunday afternoon through Thursday afternoon never breathing in fresh air. I’m serious, I didn’t go outside for the entire time. That’s ludicrous. And of course, being in close proximity to 1600 of my fellow employees, I somehow managed to acquire yet another virus!

And that has me worried a bit. I’m not one to be always sick. I know my husband likes to say I’m “a mess” and there’s “always something wrong” with me. But in reality, I don’t get colds or flu very often. I mean, my immune system is usually so amped up, making my psoriasis flare all the damn time. So the fact that I’ve been sick twice now in the past two months is actually pretty alarming to me. It is unprecedented and I’m not sure I would find a doctor to take this seriously, but it does make me wonder why my body isn’t able to easily shrug off a virus like it used to be able to. I know, I’m getting older and all that. But I’m concerned. What if it’s spending all the energy trying to fight something else?


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