Today was my visit with the doctor who performed the excision of my amelanotic nodular melanoma lesion. Naturally, I was a little worried that I still showed signs of infection in the wound, despite being on antibiotics for two weeks and pouring vinegar solution on my leg every day for a week. I had this weird peeling skin around the… Read more »
Ironically, today’s #LoveMe Challenge is to share a scar…As readers of this blog may already know, I recently had an excision of an amelanotic nodular melanoma tumor removed from my knee. I’ve already covered the story of how it was found, how it was excised, and some of the “fun” of the recovery. Technically, I guess what I’m sharing isn’t… Read more »
When I went to my last follow-up, the doctor told me that while the infection was getting better, I needed to switch my antibiotic and do a rinse on the wound. Not Neosporin, not anything prepackaged…a rinse of distilled water and white vinegar. The only vinegar we seemed to have on hand was balsamic and I’m pretty sure she didn’t… Read more »
If you’re following the blog, you know that I had an amelanotic nodular melanoma tumor removed from my knee in mid-late December. Because it was in a bendy spot, I had to get an elliptical excision. And because amelanotic nodular melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer, they had to go pretty deep into my leg tissue to… Read more »
So, if you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering about the surgery to remove my pink melanoma. It’s actually not really surgery at all. In fact, if you want to get all technical, it’s an excision. I wasn’t really sure what to expect. When my dermatologist called me with the news, I admit that I wasn’t thinking as coherently as I… Read more »