So, I’m up in Ohio this week to hang out with my mom and try to be helpful for some of the remaining financial and legal tasks from dealing with my dad’s passing. It’s really weird to be in the house and not have my dad here or at least not needing to get going up to the hospital. I… Read more »
For a period of time in my late teens, I had a thing for Lord Bryon’s work. I mean, I still like it but I’ve not actively read his poems for fun since I lived in Miami. Anyway, the reason why I’m mentioning my proclivity for Romantic poets at all is because there is a line in Byron’s The Island… Read more »
Since my dad died, I get this question a lot – how are you doing? And some days, I answer with an “ehh” sound; some days I reply “doing OK”; but some days that question is met with a grimace and I can’t ever answer at all. That horrible, crushing feeling of grief – the kind that won’t let you… Read more »
I’ve been grieving the loss of my dad and trying to cope with the sudden gaping hole his passing left in my life. Even though I’m back in Austin right now, I’m going to be leaving on my bday trip in a few days. Honestly, I really wrestled over whether to even go at all. But one of the things… Read more »
There’s been a rather obvious reason why I’ve been so quiet on the blog… and although I think I’m usually really good at being able to bounce back fairly quickly from life’s hard knocks, losing my dad has really thrown me for a loop. I’m not sure what even is normal in this situation. Today is my first day fully… Read more »
I’m sitting here with a gaping hole in my heart, unable to breathe without a crushing pain in my chest. My dad passed away a few days ago. Some fathers are absentee. Some are home every night but are so consumed with work, hobbies, or feel that raising the children is the mother’s job that they might as well be…. Read more »
I generally try to keep an optimistic outlook. I mean, I’m a realist and know that most of the time the world sucks and all that; but I try not to dwell on that too much and look for the bright side. Because I know that if I get too down, it could very quickly spiral into angsty crap that… Read more »
I’m in the basement of the library in my home town. My parents don’t have wifi (WTF??) and I needed to get on some meetings for work since I’m trying to wrap stuff up before the holidays. (It is freaking cold. I forgot how much freezing cold winter air hurts every part of your body. Why do people live like… Read more »
I finally heard back from my dermatologist’s office. Apparently the thing on my leg is… well, they’re not sure. But they’re pretty sure that it’s not melanoma. I guess that’s a good thing to hear. I would prefer some more definitive answer on what it is, but I guess knowing it’s not melanoma or any other form of skin cancer… Read more »