Since my excision, I’ve been trying to be good about walking and getting my leg strength back. This morning, at the suddenly crowded gym, there were no treadmills to be found. However, there was one lone elliptical available. I used to use the elliptical a lot to get cardio in back before the whole cancer thing. I thought – why… Read more »
The weather is heating up here in Austin. Aside from the fact that I need to figure out where the heck my summer clothes are stored in my closet, I need to remember to also put sunscreen on areas that haven’t been exposed to the sun in a long time. This is a problem for me because I am rarely… Read more »
At the beginning of the month, I had to get two more spots shaved off and biopsied. As mentioned in a previous post, one was just a normal mole but the other was atypical. And of course, since I’m paranoid that I’m going to have another melanoma spot to deal with at some point, I’m keeping a close eye on… Read more »
I just received a phone call from my dermatologist’s office. Since it wasn’t the doctor on the phone, I immediately assumed that it was good news on all fronts – yes, and no. The one mole on my thigh was normal, no malignancy. Awesome news since that one started changing a few months ago – growing in size but not… Read more »
Today I had my first 3 month check-up with the dermatologist that initially biopsied the spot that would be diagnosed as melanoma. I hadn’t seen her since she shaved the spot off, so the first couple of minutes was spent talking about my excision, my healing process, my scar. Then the “fun” began. Although it wasn’t as invasive as I… Read more »
Today I had my follow-up with the surgeon who performed my excision so she could check the scar. It’s been just about 10 weeks since the procedure. It took awhile to get into a room and seen. Hopefully, that’s not a sign that there’s more melanomas getting looked at. The doctor finally came into room, took a quick look at… Read more »
Happy Valentine’s Day to those of you who celebrate. I’m in a weird place this year with the whole holiday. I guess it’s a good thing that we’re going to drive to San Antonio for a birthday party for a little boy who we didn’t think would make it to 3. He’s an adorable little guy who’s been so sick… Read more »
This past weekend was gorgeous here in Austin. I took a break from the computer to get outside and enjoy the sunny and 70 degree (F) weather. Saturday morning, I woke up super energized and decided that I was going to go to the gym in my condo building to test out my leg strength while waiting for it to… Read more »
For a variety of reasons, I’ve been more emotional the past few days. I’m going to chalk it up to being sick and trying to maintain a chipper attitude when really, all I want to do is curl under a blanket, read a ton of books, eat chocolate, and nap. My scar is reacting to all of this in sympathy… Read more »
How does a cold virus do so much to make you feel lousy?