I’m noticing an interesting trend here on Pink Melanoma. There seems to be lots of inquiries regarding what amelanotic nodular melanoma is and specifically people landing on a previous page here on the blog. Look, I’ll be honest. I really hope people are searching that term because they’ve heard how wildly entertaining this blog is. But the reality is, people… Read more »
It is Spring time and Mother Nature didn’t get the memo that April, not May, was supposed to bring the showers. We had a glorious weekend while our out-of-town guests were here, blue skies, low humidity, and highs in the 80s. But on Monday, as soon as they were about to fly out, the skies started clouding up. It’s been… Read more »
Although it seems hard to believe, it has been four months since the excision where cancer was removed from my knee area. For the most part, I think my healing process is going well. Yes, I had the infection; yes, I have bizarre pain and achiness; yes, the scar is still purplish and prominent. But the pink melanoma that trespassed… Read more »
Yesterday, I woke up in one of those moods where I didn’t really want to go downstairs to the gym (mostly because my hair was an utter wreck that not even a ponytail could fix). I decided that I would pop in a work-out DVD and do something in the comfort of my living room. Sadly, my kickboxing DVD has… Read more »
Since my excision, I’ve been trying to be good about walking and getting my leg strength back. This morning, at the suddenly crowded gym, there were no treadmills to be found. However, there was one lone elliptical available. I used to use the elliptical a lot to get cardio in back before the whole cancer thing. I thought – why… Read more »
The weather is heating up here in Austin. Aside from the fact that I need to figure out where the heck my summer clothes are stored in my closet, I need to remember to also put sunscreen on areas that haven’t been exposed to the sun in a long time. This is a problem for me because I am rarely… Read more »
For those of us living in Austin right now, it’s mayhem. It’s Spring Break for the kids (public schools and UT), the Rodeo, and the mother of all city festivals – SXSW. If you don’t know what SXSW is, picture 200,000 people invading your town with a bunch of tents, food trucks, random parties taking over all kinds of buildings,… Read more »
We are currently hosting our very first overnight visitor to the downtown condo, my husband’s 21-year-old cousin. She’s been very agreeable to have around, although the cat is still not quite sure what to make of her yet. Kaylee leaves on Thursday, which is when the cat will probably decide to warm up to her. We took her out the… Read more »
Today I had my follow-up with the surgeon who performed my excision so she could check the scar. It’s been just about 10 weeks since the procedure. It took awhile to get into a room and seen. Hopefully, that’s not a sign that there’s more melanomas getting looked at. The doctor finally came into room, took a quick look at… Read more »
This past weekend was gorgeous here in Austin. I took a break from the computer to get outside and enjoy the sunny and 70 degree (F) weather. Saturday morning, I woke up super energized and decided that I was going to go to the gym in my condo building to test out my leg strength while waiting for it to… Read more »